11.1.11 - My Spinach Tofu Soup :) |
Assalamualaikum wbt & Greetings my friends :)
Taraaa! New recipe from Fatin with love on 11.1.11.. wow..nice date huh? Since this morning Bhavani's telling me, "Hopefully something good happens today so that I can remember this date" hehe..
Well, Today, we went to the market and got ourselves some Home Made Tofu. And spinach!! Ohh.. Sudah lama kempunan nak makan sayur hijau!! huhu..
Meh nak kongsi resepi yang sangat mudah ni, 10min je masak! haha..
Spinach Tofu Soup
Spinach (2 ikat), Tauhu (200gm) potong dadu, Tomato (1bijik kecik)
Bawang merah (1/2 biji), bawang putih (3 ulas) - semua potong nipis2
Kicap manis (1 sudu), Sos Tiram (1 sudu)
Optional: Penambah perisa "Cukup Rasa" :)
Cara membuat? Ohh..sgtlah mudah..
Panaskan air dalam periuk/kuali ke ape yang nak diguna. Kuantiti air, ikot berapa banyak kuah mahu. Fatin buat air tak banyak pun. sikit je, agak2 tenggelam la bontot periuk tu sema, haha!
Dah mendidih air, masokkan bawang merah&putih.
Tggu seminit, masokkan tauhu, kicap, sos tiram, perisa kalau mahu.
tggu 2minit (agak2 mendidih), masokkan bayam dan tomato. Fatin tak biar lama sebab nak preserve the vitamins. Terus off api. Then angkat.
Siap!! Done!! Ready to eat!!
Actually Fatin tengah study. Esok Pediatric Exam. But then I just cant handle the pressure and the bore.. So suddenly felt like cooking, haha! zup zap zup zap! Siap! :))
Study & eat! :) |
So, I guess I did have something good on this special day today. New recipe discovered by Fatin! haha..
Good luck and have a nice day to everybody. Pray for my success tomorrow!
Bismillahirrohmanirrohim..Ittadakimasu! Jemput makan! :)
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